Bozeman is a city in southern Montana, in the Rocky Mountains. Downtown, Montana State University’s Museum of the Rockies traces the area’s history and mounts special exhibitions.
It houses the Siebel Dinosaur Complex, with a notable collection of T. re P Ȁ甕渘ऩ 渘ऩ Ā ⵦ疾渘ऩ` 疽Ѐ ꔀস崿ःসᓧःꔀস嗥ई廄ःসস崿ःসᓧःসꛜऄসꜰऄ স嶪ः̈ऊᕄःস̈ऊ秐ःস秚ः 秩ःꊠĵ哖Wস�उ�স ꝩऄ↰Ŀ甃渘ऩ甃̈ऊꟻ甃 Ľ