Thành phố Cleveland, Ohio - The Buckeye State, USA
Thành phố Cleveland, Ohio - The Buckeye State, USA
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Các trường
Cleveland is a major city in Ohio on the shores of Lake Erie.
Landmarks dating to its days as a turn-of-the-20th-century manufacturing center include the Steamship William G. Mather, now part of the Great Lakes Science Center.
It's also known for the P Ȁ甕焰ऩ 焰ऩ Ā ⵦ疾焰ऩ` 疽Ѐ ꔀস崿ःসᓧःꔀস嗥ई廄ःসস崿ःসᓧःসꛜऄসꜰऄ স嶪ः̈ऊᕄःস̈ऊ秐ःস秚ः 秩