Thành phố Eugene, Oregon, USA

Thành phố Eugene, Oregon, USA

Giới thiệu | Các trường

Eugene is a city in Oregon, on the Willamette River. The University of Oregon is home to the Northwest-focused Museum of Natural and Cultural History and the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, known for its Asian collections. The Fifth Street Public MarkPȀ甕䊐෽䊐෽àⵦ疾䊐෽`疽Ѐꔀস崿ःসᓧःꔀস嗥ई廄ःসস崿ःসᓧःসꛜऄসꜰऄস嶪ः̈ऊᕄःস̈ऊ秐ःস秚ः秩ःꊠĵ哖Wস�उ�সꝩऄ↰Ŀ꟠甃䊐෽꟠甃̈ऊꟻ甃Ľ䊐෽ಇ疾潄甕䊐෽

Các thành phố lân cận Eugene