Thành phố Long Island, New York, USA

Thành phố Long Island, New York, USA

Giới thiệu | Các trường

Long Island is an expansive, densely populated island in southeastern New York State, stretching east from New York City. Along its Atlantic coast are Jones Beach State Park, Fire Island and Montauk Point State Park, the latter home to the late-1700s MoPȀ甕䊐෽䊐෽àⵦ疾䊐෽`疽Ѐꔀস崿ःসᓧःꔀস嗥ई廄ःসস崿ःসᓧःসꛜऄসꜰऄস嶪ः̈ऊᕄःস̈ऊ秐ःস秚ः秩ःꊠĵ哖Wস�उ�সꝩऄ↰Ŀ꟠甃䊐෽꟠甃̈ऊꟻ甃Ľ䊐෽ಇ疾潄甕䊐෽䊐෽

Các thành phố lân cận Long Island