Học bổng du học Úc 2020 bậc Đại học và Thạc sỹ - cập nhật liên tục

Tin học bổng Úc

Học bổng du học Úc 2020 bậc Đại học và Thạc sỹ - cập nhật liên tục

06/03/2020 687 Lượt xem
Cập nhật ngay thông tin du học Úc 2020 và liên hệ với chúng tôi để được tư vấn lộ trình

Tên trường

Họcb ổng

Tên học bổng

Giá trị

Điều kiện

Hạn nộp

Academy of Information Technology (AIT)

Creative Mind Scholarship

50% term tuition fee

Commencing Bachelor Degree Student

March 2020 - 17/2
July 2020 - 15/6
November 2020 - 12/10

Australian Catholic University (ACU)

Global Exellence Scholarship

$5,000/năm renewable

UG & PG Business and IT

Open every year

Destination Australia International Scholarship

15.000 AUD/ year x 3 years

UG only - must stay in rural area of Victoria


ACU International Student Scholarship

50% all tuition fee

All degree

Open every year

Mercy Scholarship

100% all tuition fee

Undergraduate (renewable)

Open every year

The Australian National University (ANU)

Global Diversity Scholarship

($25,000 for pathway and $25,000 for first year bachelor degree)

Students study Pathway Program

Open every year

ANU College of Business & Economics International Merit Scholarship

50% tuition fee of first term

Students complete Foundation Studies at ANU

Open every year

ANU College of Business & Economics Terrell Scholarship

$5,000 - $10,000/year

Students apply for Bachelor of Economics or Bachelor of Finance or a double degree


Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School at Torrens University

Three Pillars Scholarship

up to $20,000

All degree

Open every year

English Language Scholarship

10 weeks tuition fee

Student all degree but do not initially meet English Language entry requirements

Open every year

Bond University

English Pathway Studies Scholarship

$2,500 of EAP tuition fee

All degree except Master of Psychology, Study Abroad and Exchange Programs, Bachelor of Medical Studies and Doctor of Physiotherapy.

30 June, 2020 for commencing in September 2020 semester.

International Undergraduate Excellence Scholarship

50% all tuition fee

All undergraduate degree except Study Abroad and Exchange Programs, Bachelor of Medical Studies

30 June, 2020 for commencing in September 2020 semester.

Carnegie Mellon University Australia

The CMU Australia Scholarships

21-month master degree: $30,000
12-month master degree: $20,000

All master coursework degree

Open every year (intake August 2020)

Central Queensland University (CQU)

The International Student Scholarship

20% all tuition fee

Undergraduate; Postgraduate (Course work)

Open every year

The International Engagement Research Scholarship

20% all tuition fee

Postgraduate (Research)

Open every year

Charles Darwin University

Sydney Scholarship

25% all tuition fee

undergraduate or postgraduate coursework in Sydney Campus
maintain criteria: GPA 4 out of 7

Open every year

CDU Global Achiever Award

15% all tuition fee

undergraduate or postgraduate coursework

Open every year

Charles Sturt University

Vice Chancellor International Scholarship

$5,000 - $10,000

all degree study in Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Orange, Port Macquarie and Wagga Wagga campus

Open every year

Port Macquarie Accommodation Scholarship

50% of campus room fee

all degree study in Port Macquarie campus

Open every year

Curtin University of Technology

MBA Global Scholarship

30% tuition fee each semester

Postgraduate coursework MBA Global
Faculty of Business and Law

Open every year

MBA International Student Scholarship

up to $15,000

Postgraduate coursework MBA
Faculty of Business and Law

Open every year

Curtin International Scholarships

25% of first year tuition

All undergraduate and postgraduate coursework degree


Deakin University

Destination Australia Scholarships


Students all degree in Deakin Warrnambool Campus

Open every year

Deakin Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship

50% all tuition fee

Student all cousework degree

Open every year

Deakin International Scholarship

25% all tuition fee

Student all cousework degree

Open every year

Deakin STEM Scholarship

20% all tuition fee

undergraduate or postgraduate coursework (including honours) from the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment

Trimester 3, 2021

Vietnam Partners Scholarship

20% all tuition fee

- Undergraduate or postgraduate coursework (except for courses offered by Faculty of Science Engineering and Built Environment)
- Graduate from Vietnam highschools or universities on the partners list

Trimester 3, 2022

Edith Cowan University

ECU School of Science Excellence Scholarships

$2,500 per semester

commence an undergraduate degree program within the School of Science at ECU


South West (Bunbury) Campus International Accommodation Scholarship

80% accomodation fee

Future students commencing their first year at ECU Bunbury Campus in Semester One, 2020


International Masters Scholarship 2020

20% first year tuition fee

study all master degree listed at ECU Joondalup, ECU Mount Lawley, or ECU South West (Bunbury)


2020 ECC Pathway Scholarship

20% all tuition fee

Students in Diploma Pathways in Edith Cowan College


International Accommodation Scholarship 2020

30% accommodation fees

commencing study at ECU Joondalup in 2020


International Undergraduate Scholarship 2020

20% all tuition fee

study undergraduate degree at ECU Joondalup, ECU Mount Lawley, or ECU South West (Bunbury) Campus


Flinders University

Go Beyond Scholarship

25% first 2 semester tuition fee

undergraduate and postgraduate listed program

Semester 1 and 2, 2020 application deadline

Griffith University

Griffith Remarkable Scholarship

50% all tuition fee

undergraduate and postgraduate coursework

Trimester 2 2020 – 17 April 2020 (for 6 July commencement)
Trimester 3 2020 – Friday, 7 August 2020 (for 26 October commencement)

The Hotel School (formerly The Hotel School Sydney or THSS) with Southern Cross University

Innovation Scholarship

$4,000 first year tuition fee

Study at The Hotel School Sydney and Melbourne campuses

Open every year

International College of Hotel Management (ICHM)

ICHM Entry ScholarshipsInternational Student Scholarships 2020

10% tuition fee

Only for Masters of International Hotel Management (Swiss Hotel Association).

Open every year

International College of Management, Sydney (ICMS)

2020 Postgraduate Innovation Scholarship

6 subjects tuition fee

Students study 2-year Master program in February 2020.


Kaplan Business School Australia

Regional Scholarship

10% all tuition fee

Under GPA 6.5/10
Grad GPA 6.0/10

Open every year

High Achievers Scholarship

30% all tuition fee

GPA from 9.0
Personal Statement

Open every year

Kaplan Alumni

20% all tuition fee

studied bachelor degree in any Kaplan institutes in the world

Open every year

La Trobe University

La Trobe Excellence Scholarships

15% - 25% all tuition fee

Progression from foundation studies to business, IT, nursing bachelor degree with required mark

Open every year

Undergraduate and postgraduate regional campus Scholarships


undergraduate and postgraduate coursework

Open every year

2020 La Trobe University 50% Vietnamese Excellence Scholarship

50% tuition fee annually

undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree listed

31st December 2019

Macquarie University

Macquarie University ASEAN Scholarship


undergraduate or postgraduate coursework

Session 1 2020 (Feb): apply by 11 Dec 2019

Session 2 2020 (July): apply by 9 Jun 2020

Monash University

Monash International Merit Scholarship


undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework) degree

15/10 - 15/05 every year

Monash International Scholarship for Excellence


For international students who study highschool in AUS
Apply for undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework) degree

Open every year

Monash International Leadership Scholarship

100% all tuition fee

undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework) degree

15/10 - 15/05 every year

Engineering International Undergraduate Excellence Scholarship


Students enrol in any undergraduate engineering single or double degree program

Open every year

Engineering International Undergraduate Scholarship

$10,000/4 years

Students enrol in any undergraduate engineering single or double degree program

Open every year

Engineering Masters Pathway Scholarship

$32,000/4 years

Students enrol in the Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Advanced Engineering pathway program

Open every year

Bachelor of International Business Diploma Pathway Scholarship


Already completed Monash College Diploma of Business and progress to listed Bachelor Degree

Open every year

Bachelor of International Business Foundation Year Scholarship


Already completed Monash College International Foundation Year Business and progress to listed Bachelor Degree

Open every year

Women in Engineering Scholarship


Female students commencing in any engineering undergraduate degree

Open every year

Women in Information Technology Scholarship


Female students commencing in any undergraduate degree by Faculty of Information Technology

Open every year

Pharmacy International Undergraduate Merit Scholarship

25% - 50% all tuition fee

Commencing undergraduate student in either the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) or Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)/Master of Pharmacy

Open every year

Science International Merit Grant

$2,500 - $3,000

For international students who study highschool in AUS
Apply for undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework) degree by the Faculty of Science

Open every year

Murdoch University

International Welcome Scholarship

$11,000 - $12,000

undergraduate and postgraduate coursework degree study in Murdoch Western Australia

Open every year (2020 - 2024 intake)

Scientific Excellence Scholarship


study an Honours course specialising in the School of Engineering and Information Technology in Perth campus


Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

International Merit Scholarship

25% tuition fee for first year
renewable based on academic records

study courses offered by Science and Engineering Faculty

Open every year

International Merit Double Degree Scholarship

25% tuition fee for first year
renewable based on academic records

study double degree courses as listed (mostly business major)

Open every year

Creative Industries International Scholarship

25% tuition fee for first year
renewable based on academic records

study courses listed offered by Creative Industries Faculty

Open every year

Creative Industries International Scholarship - Vietnam Excellence

50% tuition fee for first year
renewable: 50% for next years (GPA 5.5/7)

study courses listed offered by Creative Industries Faculty in semester 2, 2020 intake

Only for semester 2, 2020 intake

MBA and EMBA Scholarships

from $1,000 to 100% tuition fee
(maintain GPA 5.5/7)

study MBA or EMBA

Open every year

QUT International College Pathway Scholarship

25% first semester

Diploma: Y12 GPA 7.0
Foundation: Y12 GPA 7.0 or Y11 GPA 8.0

Open every year

Faculty of Education International Merit Scholarship

25% tuition fee for first year
renewable based on academic records

study courses listed offered by Faculty of Education

Open every year

RMIT University

International Cost of Living Vietnam Scholarships


study courses started in 2020
achieve at least 65% score in previous study

For 2020 intakes

RMIT International School Leaver Scholarship


for international students study highschool in Australia


SAE Institute

International Student Scholarship

10% all tuition fee

undergraduate degree

Open every year

Southern Cross University

SCU International Women in STEM Scholarship


- postgraduate coursework degree from the School of Environment Science and Engineering or School of Health and Human Sciences School of Health and Human Sciences
- Bachelor/Master of Information Technology
- at either the Gold Coast, Lismore or Coffs Harbour campus.

Open every year

Vice Chancellor’s Academic Excellence Scholarship


Any undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree at either the Gold Coast, Lismore or Coffs Harbour campus.

Open every year

Vice Chancellor’s International Diversification Scholarship


Any undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree at either the Gold Coast, Lismore or Coffs Harbour campus.

Open every year

SCU International Regional Scholarship


Any undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree at either the Gold Coast, Lismore or Coffs Harbour campus.

Open every year

Swinburne University of Technology

George Swinburne STEM Postgraduate Scholarship

30% all tuition fee

study postgraduate courses listed semester 1, 2/ 2020 intakes

Apply for semester 1,2/2020 intakes

Swinburne International Excellence Pathway Scholarship

A$2500 to A$5000

foundation year + UniLink diploma + bachelor degree
foundation year + bachelor degree
UniLink diploma + bachelor degree

Open every year

Swinburne International Excellence Undergraduate Scholarship

up to $38,000 total

Any bachelor degree except the Bachelor of Aviation and Piloting, and the Bachelor of Aviation and Piloting/Bachelor of Business double degree.

Open every year

Swinburne International Excellence Postgraduate Scholarship

up to A$21,000 total

Any 2-year master degree by coursework.

Open every year

TAFE NSW (including The Northern Sydney Institute)

Education Support Scholarship


study at Muswellbrook, Scone, Singleton for 2020 intakes


The Lions Club of Bathurst Macquarie Scholarships


study at Bathurst


MEMMES (Mining Electrical and Mining Mechanical Engineering Society) scholarship


Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade
Certificate III in Mobile Plant Technology


Torrens University Australia (TUA)

Laureate Australia Business Merit Scholarship


study at business related courses


Laureate Australia Design Merit 20% Scholarship


study at design related courses


Alternative Study Path Business, Health, Hospitality & Design 15% Scholarship


study at listed related courses


Here to Educate (Education) 20% Scholarship


study at education related courses


The University of Adelaide

Global Citizens Scholarship

15% tuition fee

Commencing an undergraduate qualification

Open every year

Global Citizens Scholarship

30% tuition fee

 Please contact

Open every year

Global Academic Excellence Scholarship


Please contact


University of Adelaide College High Achiever Progression Scholarship


100 slots

Open every year

University of Adelaide College International Scholarship

5 - 10%

Please contact

Open every year

The 2020 Eynesbury College High Achiever Progression


Please contact

Open every year

The 2020 Eynesbury College International Scholarship

5 - 10%

Please contact

Open every year

University of Canberra

University of Canberra International Course Merit Scholarship


Bachelor Degree

Open every year



Bachelor and Master by coursework

Open every year



70% or higher for Undergraduate
65% or higher for Masters degree

Open every year

The University of Newcastle, Australia

FEBE Golden Jubilee Commemorative International Scholarship


undergraduate program with the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment


FEBE International Architecture and Built Environment Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship


Please contact

Open every year

Friends of the University Margaret Olley Memorial Scholarship


Please contact


University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Dami Atapattu ILP Award in Anatomy UGCA1569


undergraduate study in Medicine at UNSW


SecEDU Honours Scholarship UGCA1568


Computer Science students in UNSW Honours Programme


Herbert Smith Freehills Law and Economics Honours Year Award


Honours students in Economics at the UNSW Business School.


UNSW Business School Honours Scholarship


Honours program offered by a participating School in the UNSW Business School


The University of Queensland (UQ)

Vietnam Global Leaders Scholarship

$5,000 - $10,000 for first semester

Undergraduate, Postgraduate
Study area in Business and Economics, Law

30 November 2019
30 May 2020

UQ Economics Vietnam Scholarship

50% all tuition fee

Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Honours) and Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics (Honours).

30 November 2019
30 May 2020

HASS Scholarships for Excellence - Vietnam

Up to $10,000 per year
2 years

Study area in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Education


UQ Future Students Undergraduate Scholarship for High Achievers - Vietnam

$10,000 for first year

Study area at All study areas


UQ School of Economics Scholarship (Undergraduate)

50% all tuition fee

Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Honours)
Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics (Honours).

31 November 2019

University of South Australia (UniSA)

Vice Chancellor's International Excellence Scholarship

50% all tuition fee
(maintain GPA 5.0/7.0)

Please contact

Open every year

International Merit Scholarship

25% first year tuition fee

Study at listed degrees by UniSA Business School; Education, Arts and Social Sciences; Health Sciences; Information Technology, Engineering and Environment

Open every year

University of Southern Queensland (USQ)

Incoming Study Abroad International Travel Grant


be a commencing student in the Study Abroad program (fee paying) at USQ in Semester 1 2020 OR Semester 2 2020

10 July 2020 at 5:00pm (AEST)

2020 Southeast Asian Scholarship

(maximum 3 years, achieve at least a GPA of 4.5 to retain the scholarship)

undergraduate and postgraduate

Semester 1 Closing Date: 5.00pm (AEST) Friday 28 February 2020

Semester 2 Closing Date: 5:00pm (AEST) Friday 17 July 2020

University of Tasmania (UTAS)

Tasmania International Scholarship

25% all tuition fee

Please contact

Open every year

ASEAN Science and Technology Undergraduate Merit Scholarship

50% all tuition fee
(maintain GPA 5.0/7.0)

Please contact

Semester 1 - 2; 2020 intakes

Dean of TSBE Merit Scholarship

50% all tuition fee
(maintain GPA 5.0/7.0)

All undergraduate and postgraduate
business courses (excluding Master
of Professional Accounting, Master of
Professional Accounting Specialisation
and Combined degrees with other

Semester 1 - 2; 2020 intakes

International Women in Maritime Engineering Scholarship

Undergraduate degrees 75% reduction
of accommodation costs.
Postgraduate degrees 100% reduction
of accommodation costs.
(duration: 1 - 2 semester)

Please contact

Semester 1 - 2; 2020 intakes

Women in Seafaring Scholarship

100% accomodation costs each semester plus $2,000 to use
Duration: 1 year (2 semesters) - GPA 4.0/7.0 to retain

Please contact

Semester 1 - 2; 2020 intakes

AMC Global Logistics Relocation Bursary

$4,000 cash payment

Please contact

Semester 1 - 2; 2020 intakes

Health and Pharmacy Relocation Bursaries

AUD$3,000 for undergraduate degrees
and AUD$4,000 for postgraduate
degrees, cash payment

Please contact

Semester 1 - 2; 2020 intakes

University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

UTS Undergraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship

25% all tuition fee

Undergraduate Degree

30November2019forAutumn session (starts Feb/Mar2020)
30 April 2020 for Spring session (starts July 2020)

Undergraduate Merit Scholarship

$10,000 for first year

Undergraduate Degree

Open every year

International Undergraduate Full Tuition Scholarship

100% all tuition fee

have an overall mark of 85% in previous study

(may open next year)

UTS FEIT International Mathematical Olympiad Scholarship Vietnam

100% all tuition fee
Financial contribution towards living expenses AUD$28,000/year

Gold, silver or bronze medallists of the annual International Mathematical Olympiad from Vietnam

(may open next year)

Diploma to Degree Scholarship for Students from South East Asia

25% all tuition fee

Must be admitted to UTS based on a UTS recognised Diploma qualification from South East Asia with a GPA of 3.4 out of 4.0 or equivalent

Open every year

South East Asia Undergraduate High Achiever Scholarship

25% all tuition fee

For all undergraduate degree

Open every year

UTS Science International Undergraduate Scholarship for Excellence


UTS Faculty of Science undergraduate programs

Open every year

UTS Science International Diploma to Degree Scholarship for Excellence (INSEARCH)


Have completed a Diploma in Science at UTS:INSEARCH and progress to bachelor degree

Open every year

International Postgraduate Coursework Full Tuition Scholarship

100% all tuition fee

have an overall average of 90% where the pass mark is 50% or equivalent in a UTS recognised Bachelor qualification

(may open next year)

Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship


For all graduate degree by coursework

Open every year

UTS Grant for Masters by Coursework Students


For all graduate degree by coursework

Open every year

South East Asia Postgraduate Business Merit Scholarship

25% all tuition fee

For all graduate degree by coursework by UTS business school

Open every year

Master of Professional Engineering Scholarship

25% all tuition fee

Master of Professional Engineering program at UTS Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.

Open every year

Engineering and IT Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship

25% all tuition fee

postgraduate coursework program at UTS Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.

Open every year

Science Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship

25% all tuition fee

Masters by coursework degree at the Faculty of Science

30 November 2019 for Autumn session (starts Feb/Mar 2020)
30 April 2020 for Spring session (starts July 2020)

The University of Western Australia (UWA)

Global Excellence Scholarship

Undergraduate: $15,000 - $45,000 for 3 years duration
Postgraduate: $10,000 - $30,000 for 2 years duration

Please contact

Open every year

University of Wollongong Australia (UOW)

University of Wollongong Diplomat Scholarship

30% all tuition fee

Bachelor degree at UOW (Australian campuses only)
*excluding Doctor of Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetics, Exercise Science and Rehabilitation, Education, Social Work and Psychology.

Open every year

University Excellence Scholarship

30% all tuition fee

Any undergraduate degree *excluding Doctor of Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetics, Exercise Science and Rehabilitation, Education, Social Work and Psychology

Open every year

UOW Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship

30% all tuition fee

Any postgraduate coursework degree *excluding Doctor of Medicine, Nutrition and Dietetics, Exercise Physiology, Teaching, Social Work and Psychology degrees

2020 intakes only

Vietnam Bursary

UG: 10% tuition fee reduction
PG: 20% tuition fee reduction

Study listed undergraduate and postgraduate programs

Open every year

Victoria University

VU Master of Counselling Global Scholarship 2020

A$3000 per year; up to A$6000 towards tuition fees.

Please contact

Open every year

VU College Diploma Merit Scholarship

$2,000 grant for the second semester of studies

Please contact

Open every year

Western Sydney University

Vice-Chancellor's Academic Excellence Undergraduate Scholarships

50% of tuition fees per session for full time enrolment for the duration of the degree up to a maximum three year.

Any undergraduate degree (does not apply to the Doctor of Medicine).

Open every year

Western Sydney International Scholarships - Undergraduate

$5,000 - $7,000 per year

Any undergraduate degree (does not apply to the Doctor of Medicine, Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Nursing (Graduate Entry)).

Open every year

Vice-Chancellor's Academic Excellence Postgraduate Scholarships

50% all tuition fee for 2 years

Any postgraduate coursework degrees
Previous study: minimum GPA of 5.95 on a 7 point scale

All 2020 intakes

Western Sydney International Scholarships – Postgraduate

$5,000 - $7,500 per year

Any postgraduate coursework degrees

All 2020 intakes


Mindy Nguyen




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Hotline 090 17 34 288

Văn phòng HCM:

253 Điện Biên Phủ, P7, Q3, HCM

Hotline 093 205 3388

Email: contact@duhocnamphong.vn