Thành phố Thousand Oaks, California, USA

Thành phố Thousand Oaks, California, USA

Giới thiệu | Các trường

Thousand Oaks is the second-largest city in Ventura County, California, United States.It is in the northwestern part of the Greater Los Angeles Area, approximately 35 miles (56 km) from Downtown Los Angeles and is less than 15 mi (24 km) from the Los AngePȀ甕䊐෽䊐෽àⵦ疾䊐෽`疽Ѐꔀস崿ःসᓧःꔀস嗥ई廄ःসস崿ःসᓧःসꛜऄসꜰऄস嶪ः̈ऊᕄःস̈ऊ秐ःস秚ः秩ःꊠĵ哖Wস�उ�সꝩऄ↰Ŀ꟠甃䊐෽꟠甃